Thursday, March 6, 2008

Life's an itch...

As I have been contemplating just what my blog would be about, I considered talking about my day, my life, or work stuff. After thinking further I realized I should do a blog about random thoughts. After all, that is what I have a lot of the time, just random thoughts. So be prepared to be dazzled and amazed. And to my lovely wife, Julie, I am not competing with you to be funny as you will see in the following paragraphs.

Although this particular subject is not random, it is what has been bugging me for about 6 weeks now. So a couple months ago I decide that we need to save a little money. In my infinite wisdom I decide that we should start with my prescription drugs. I am like an old man with my scrips (that's what all the cool people call prescriptions). I should have a pill carrier to keep them all straight. There's one for Acid Reflux, Allergies, Blood pressure, cholestrol, Ritalin for weight loss (no I'm not ADHD. Oh look a pretty light !!!) and now prednisone for "the itch". Anyway I call the Dr. and tell them to change my acid pill to the cheap version. Cha-Ching, just saved $40 bucks a month.

So a couple weeks later I start itching. I didn't really pay much attention because I have allergies and hives are a part of my life. I have come to accept them. Yes, I have become one with my hives. So I continue to choke down my super cheap new pills and I continue to itch. Now as I write this I think to myself "man you are an idiot for not figuring this out for 6 weeks". The itching is so bad at this point I'm itching like I am wearing a wool sweater in the Sahara. I am actually scratching til I bleed and blood vessels are breaking. Bad news !!!

I continue to bitch and moan about it for the next 3 weeks and Julie finally says "do you think it could be your acid pills?" "EUREKA, this lady is a genius" I thought to myself. Not wanting to admit my stupidity, I continue to take the pills but take Benadryl. Yep, that'll take care of the problem. All I have to do is take my super cheap acid pills and these really expensive allergy pills together and life will be good again. No such luck...

I finally come to my senses and call the Dr. I asked him for Aciphex which is a pill I've taken before and not had a problem with. I also ask for the prednisone so I could gain a quick 20 pounds and maybe stop itching. So the Dr. does as I ask. I go to Walgreens to pick up my new super cheap scrips (man, I'm so cool) and they told me the total, $72. The Aciphex which I took and used to be a tier one drug(AKA cheap) is now a tier three drug (AKA holy shit).

So all this has come full circle now and I have not saved money but spent more. The itching is starting to subside now and my skin is starting to grow back. I will end with an ancient chinese proverb because my wife loves them. "Anything worth doing is worth asking your wife's opinion first". Yeah, yeah I changed it a bit but I'm not chinese or ancient !!!


Unknown said...

Love the blog! You guys are so clever and punny :). Now if you are itchy tomorrow morning, it may be the pile of syrup that is on your pillow....

The momma said...

I'm so freaking wise!!!!!